Vertical Filmmaking and the 2-Act Structure

Sunday 11 February

3pm AEST

Throughout the workshop audiences learn about the alteration to the 3-act structure within TikTok. The traditional set-up is reinvigorated to suit the platform's short-form storytelling and need to grab audiences' attention in a matter of milliseconds. The workshop focuses specifically on the craft of story structures and storytelling for this fast-paced environment.


Kristina Chapman

Kristina Chapman is a researcher interested in online media content creation, specifically TikTok. Throughout the past few years, she has written and spoken about the evolution of participatory culture through the lens of TikTok; pulled a part story structures within the 7-second, 15-second and 1-minute video formats; and has investigated the merits of the participatory and self-reflexive documentary modes through the format of TikTok via the creation of Finding Culture - a mini documentary series where Kristina learns more about her Filipino culture through her mum. Kristina works full-time as the Head of Screen Production at the Australian Performing Arts Conservatory in Brisbane.


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